May 8, 2012

PHP user-agent allowing to post on my site

Question by AlanPHP

I have a voting site that my users can use to promote my game. When they click the voting link, it passes a variable called ‘reference’ to the voting site. If it is a valid vote (in the past 24 hours) it will then send a request back to my site with two variables.

$reference = $_POST['referense'];
$success = $_POST['success']; // 0 or 1

I’ve read that the user-agent must be changed to allow them to post things to my site? How do I let them do this? It is a valid voting site, so there is no need to be scared.


Answer by Starx

What you read is completely wrong.

User agents have nothing to do with. how a PHP code performs. And even if it does, IT SHOULDN’T

You said that a reference is passed to the site, which is then sent to the voting system. So, your system should only check if the reference coming is a valid one or NOT. Not how the request is coming.

NOTE that, User Agents can be spoofed so easily. So, creating a system relying on such is very risky.


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