June 8, 2010

to stop trigger in jquery

Question by AlexC

I have an AJAX call, which is doing this call every 5 seconds and when the call “succeed ” I have a trigger

 success: function (msg) {
        return false;

But i need to do this trigger just once , the first time, not every 5 second !

Can somebody suggest me how to stop this trigger, or maybe to use another stuff to trigger this “click “


Answer by RobertPitt

add a global variable outside the function to track the states

var trigger_triggered = false;

Somewhere in your ajax call

 success: function (msg) {
        if(trigger_triggered == false)
            trigger_triggered = true; //set it executed here
        return false;

Answer by Starx

Well, place the ajax call, in the $(document).ready(function() { }); it will only executes once your document is ready.

Or, when you do the ajax call, create a session flag to denote the script already being executed.

What I mean is

this is your ajax call page

if(!isset($_SESSION['scriptflag']) or $_SESSION['scriftflag']==false) {
             //Your action
             $_SESSION['scriptflag'] = true; 

get the point


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