August 22, 2010

PHP secure root

Question by James

My friend found a problem in my script, it gives acces to root files.

This url gives passwd file:

How to escape this security hole?

Answer by Your Common Sense

There are several different solutions.
If there can be only a filename, a basename() solution would work.

However, if it can be path, a more complex solution is needed

//assume current directory, but can be set anything. Absolute path of course
$basedir   = dirname(__FILE__);
//assume our files are below document root. 
//Otherwise use it's root dir instead of DOCUMENT_ROOT
$filename  = realpath($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].$_GET['file']);
if (substr($filename,0,strlen($basedir)) !== $basedir) {
  header ("HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden"); 

there is also a useful PHP configuration option open_basedir

Answer by Starx

Dont download the files using URL String…. Define unique IDs to denote a file, rather than paths.

You might have seen downloads like this what they do, use this id, to take out the file name and path from the db and then download it.


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