March 7, 2013
Reload parent dialog content when child dialog is closed
Question by user1277546
I have a large jQuery dialog window that opens up many more dialog windows inside when buttons are clicked in the parent dialog window for updating the database.
I want to update the parent window when the child dialogs are closed.
I can see how to do this with event close and load(url)
but how do I make the association between child and parent without specifying each and every ID.
Answer by Starx
Without some markup structures, I cannot understand how your child dialogs resides inside parent.
jQuery has a function called .closest()
that travel up the DOM tree to find the nearest matching selector, so you can use this by giving a class to the parent dialog. And select them, when you want to use it like.
$(this).closest(".parent").html("Updated Content");
// ^ Represent your child dialog as you want