March 5, 2012

Getting the previous page GET parameters in PHP

Question by Alex

I have a range of similar pages that have a URL along the lines of

From each of these pages there is a form that posts it’s values to the server. I need to work out what the id of the group was when the form is posted. I’m aware of being able to use $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] and then maybe I could use a regex to get the id. However, I wondered if there was anything in PHP that would allow you to get the previous $_GET variables?

Alternatively, do people think it is a much better idea to store the current group id as a session variable?

Answer by Starx

Yes, Session is the way to go to . Store them and get the groups on every other page, using session . This is a proper way.

Despite, it is also possible to make $_GET available for every page. Using two ways (AFAIK).

  1. Create the exact same URL String with the parameters and send them along, as you are redirecting from page to page.

    • Or use functions like parse_url() to get only the query string and pass them along
  2. Use Session to back up the $_GET and reassign it to $_GET on every page. Put the below snippet or every page you redirect to.

    if(isset($_SESSION['GET_BACKUP']) { //Check if there was a backup before
         $_GET = $_SESSION['GET_BACKUP'];  //if yes use it
    if(isset($_GET) && count($_GET)) { //if not and GET value is sent
         $_SESSION['GET_BACKUP'] = $_GET; //backup it
    // Now use the get as you used to via $_GET

    Following this way, you will not get an attached data in the URL, which might be undesirable.


In case you are going with the second option, you should remember that the solution I provided is an demo and will not fit for more than one $_GET group. For multiple pages and storing their SESSIONS, you have to define separate keys to identify the backup. Kinda like

$_SESSION['mypage.php']['GET_BACKUP'] = $_GET;
August 27, 2010

PHP Get method not sending full input

Question by Jackass

I have a drop down list that is dynamically generated using a mySQL database using the following code:

$region = mysql_query("select region_name from region", $connection);

echo "<select name=region>Region</option>";

while ($row = $mysql_fetch_array($region))
  echo "<option value =$row[region_name]>$row[region_name]</option>";

echo "</select>"

This prints out the list perfectly fine however when I submit the form using the GET method any region name that has a space in it will not be passed through properly in the URL. Instead of “South Australia” it will only give me “South”

I know the URL should end up being:

But instead the +Australia just doesn’t appear.

Anybody know what stupid stuff I’ve done or what I’m missing??

Answer by NAVEED

use single quote for value in option tag:

Try this in while loop:

echo "<option value='$row[region_name]'>$row[region_name]</option>";

Answer by Starx

There is an error in your code………

echo "<select name=region>Region</option>"; should be

echo "<select name='region'><option>Region</option>";

and while giving value do this

echo "<option value='$row[region_name]'>$row[region_name]</option>";

Please fill the form - I will response as fast as I can!