May 14, 2012

jquery ajax cant loop thru the found data

Question by user759235

I want to loop thru a file which is loaded with ajax, but it won’t loop, i have tried a couple of things but I cant get it to work.

// jquery

    url: 'file.html',
    type: "GET",
    dataType: "html",
    success: function(data) {


    error: function(){

// file.html

// content goes here

// content goes here

// content goes here



Answer by Rocket Hazmat

You need to change .find to .filter. This is because .find searches the children descendants of all the elements, but since your html file is just <div>s, you need to use .filter to find them.


Answer by Starx

You dont need to specify html as the datatype, it is not needed.

SO, remove the following line.

dataType: "html"
April 4, 2012

jQuery each number

Question by Ivan C.

I have a idea to make table like this

 1. something1
 2. something2
 3. something3

I have made a table:

   <tr><td id="rb">...
   <tr><td id="rb">...

so in #rb is this sequence number starting from 1.

I have this jQuery code but it doesn’t work. Can you pls help 🙂


It just make


in the first #rb

Thanks in advance!

Answer by Starx

You should not give same id to more than one element within same HTML document. You can do the same using class="rb" instead.

$('tr').each(function(index) {

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