August 14, 2012

How can I chage the color of the link in Html.Action link, when the mouse is over the div?

Question by Andrey Lima Ramos

I am using MVC3.
I have a table and an Html.ActionLink inside of it.
I have already set the text decoration for none, but the link is still blue. I change the table:hover background-color and the color(of the text), and when I put the mouse over the row, the text that are not a link gets white, but the link still blue. If I change the a:hover, the link gets white just when I put the mouse over it, and not just over the row.

Is there a way to do that with css?

Answer by Starx

Typically, to cover all the anchors when you are hovering over the row.

#tableid tr:hover a {
    /* Your Styles */

But this does not work on all IE browser so, use JS to catch the event and apply styles to anchors in it.


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