April 30, 2012

Simple slideshow with navigation overlay

Question by Willard

I’m currently re-designing my portfolio site & I would like to use the best non-flash method possible to create the following slideshow shown in my layout:


I would only have 3 slides or so in the show, and I would like to overlay left/right nav buttons as shown.

So how do I go about this?

Answer by Starx

There are tons of options. With javascript libraries like jQuery, a lot of animations that needed flash once, can be easily done.

Try googling, jQuery Sliders

March 21, 2012

jQuery: How can I wrap <a> and </a> tags around existing images in a div?

Question by lith0pedion

I’m using slidy.js to cycle through several images inside a div.

My question is: How can I use jQuery to wrap <a href="http://www.google.com"> and </a> around each image in the div (whose id is “imgFade”)?

Thanks in advance!


Answer by Starx

Yes you can use the .wrap()


$("#yourdiv img").wrap('<a href="http://www.google.com" />');
                      // Note: the self closing pattern ^ THIS is how you should define the wrapping element

This is wrap a link around all the images inside the div with id="yourdiv"


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