July 4, 2013

MySQL Convert Numbers to Alphabets

User1258600’s Question:

I have an auto-increment transactionID type=MEDIUMINT(9) in my table. I want to also display a unique 4-character (which can grow over time, but 4 for now) alphabetical Redemption Code to my users. What is the best way to derive this alphabetical code from my transactionID, preferably straight from the SELECT statement?

Thank you. 🙂

That mostly depends on what alphabet you want to use.

You may use TO_BASE64 to convert it it to base64 encoded string or simply do something like:

REPLACE(your_number, '0', 'A')
, '1', 'B')
, '2', 'C')
, '3', 'D')
, '4', 'E')
, '5', 'F')
, '6', 'G')
, '7', 'H')
, '8', 'I')
, '9', 'J')

if you want custom alphabet.

In case you want something shorter, you can go a slightly harder way:

You use 9-digit decimal (maximum 999999999), which translates to 8 hex digits (0x3B9AC9FF), i.e. 4 bytes. What you can do is divide your number in 4 binary octets, convert them to chars, construct new string and feed it to TO_BASE64():

select TO_BASE64(CONCAT(CHAR(FLOOR(your_number/(256*256*256))%256),CHAR(FLOOR(your_number/(256*256))%256),CHAR(FLOOR(your_number/256)%256),CHAR(your_number%256)))

Note, that TO_BASE64() function is available only in MySQL 5.6 on-wards.

Now, for those on older versions – we don’t want to implement base64 encoding with our bare hands, don’t we? So, lets go the easier way: we have 30 bits in those 9 decimal digits, which would be 30/6=5 characters, if we use 64 continuous character alphabet after CHAR(32), which is space, which we don’t want to use:

SELECT CONCAT(`enter code here`CHAR(FLOOR(your_number/(64*64*64*64))%64+33),CHAR(FLOOR(your_number/(64*64*64))%64+33),CHAR(FLOOR(your_number/(64*64))%64+33),CHAR(FLOOR(your_number/64)%64+64),CHAR(your_number%64+33))

You can generate a hash with the value of transaction id.


SELECT MD5(transactionID) FROM `yourtable`;

There are several other types of similar functions you can use.

Author: Nabin Nepal (Starx)

Hello, I am Nabin Nepal and you can call me Starx. This is my blog where write about my life and my involvements. I am a Software Developer, A Cyclist and a Realist. I hope you will find my blog interesting. Follow me on Google+


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