June 17, 2013

<h1> Header (vs h2, h3, etc)

User1994136’s Question:

I have 3 header tags.
My setup:




QUESTION: My h3 tag is the most important (for SEO). All 3 have the same indent so I don’t want those changed in any way. If you can help me, what I need to know is:

Since h1 is seen by SEs as most important, am I allowed to rename my current h3 into h1 and vice versa, so that they are in this

order? …




…OR does h1 always have to be “first” in the crawl? Basically I want to tell Google etc that my current h3 is far more important than my current h1 & h2.

Thanks for your help, and also for your valuable time.


You cannot tell google to do invalid scrape.

Heading tags represent a block of content. As contents end up having more and more levels, we divide the content using sub headings like <h2> and <h3> and so on.

Another similar example is in word processing applications like
Microsoft Word, Heading 1 repesents the most important block where are
other headings represent a sub portion of the main block.

Based on your details Your problem seems to be styling not the heading tags, you can control the display of whatever elements using CSS.

Author: Nabin Nepal (Starx)

Hello, I am Nabin Nepal and you can call me Starx. This is my blog where write about my life and my involvements. I am a Software Developer, A Cyclist and a Realist. I hope you will find my blog interesting. Follow me on Google+


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