September 25, 2012

Should I place a semicolon at the end of my jQuery statement?

Question by Marilou

Possible Duplicate:
Do you recommend using semicolons after every statement in JavaScript?

I have the code like this:

$("#delete_" + row)
   .attr('data-href', '/Admin/' + tab + 's/Delete' + params)
   .attr('title', 'Delete ' + id);

It’s typical of the code I have everywhere in my application. What I notice is that it seems to work with or without a semicolon at the end. Is there any advantage for formatting or any other reason that I should put a semicolon at the end?

Answer by Explosion Pills

Always put the semicolon. Not only is it more cross-browser compatible, it’s easier to minify (removing newlines is part of that).

Answer by Starx

Semicolons, although not required in JavaScript, denote end of statement. So its a good habit of ending a statement with semicolon at the end. Other point, Explosion Pills has already mentioned.

Author: Nabin Nepal (Starx)

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