Check if a YouTube video has been removed using PHP?
Question by user1334448
Possible Duplicate:
Check if Youtube and Vimeo-clips are valid
I have a website which links to a lot of YouTube videos but a lot of the time these videos are removed by either the user or YouTube. This means my site has a lot of dead videos on it and there are so many it would be a nightmare to check them all manually.
So I am looking for a way to check if the YouTube video is still valid using PHP. I have seen a lot of threads with people asking the same question but I can’t get any of the posted solutions to work.
Answer by Starx
Send request to this URL, to verify the existence of a video<videoid>
Here is an usage of it.
$headers = get_headers('' . $videoId);
if (!strpos($headers[0], '200')) {
echo "The YouTube video you entered does not exist";
return false;