September 6, 2011

Jquery and old IE versions

Question by GuyFromOverThere

i made my site with Jquery and now if i test it in an old IE version like 5.5 and 6 it completely is filled with errors in javascript. is there a way of getting this problem to stop… and is that error in jquery?

Answer by WTK

Currently as others have already stated, jQuery doesn’t support IE in version less than 6.

BUT, according to this thread back from 2006 (post by John Resig so it should be legit source), jQuery was compatibile with IE 5.5+ in 2006, meaning (based on this history) that you can try to get it working on jQuery 1.0.

Answer by Starx

No and Yes both!

No!, because those old browsers, are so outdated, that they do not recognize the new methods and functions.

Yes!, because JQuery is only compatible above IE 6, not IE 5.5, so most the codes may not work in IE 5.5, as it should.


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