November 2, 2010

How to create a jquery timer that starts on keyup

Question by Josh R

I am using jquery 1.4. I want create the timer which starts on keyup event and resets on key press event. I want to use $.ajax request to send the time interval to the server. All I could find was countdown timers.

I appreciate any help.


Answer by lonesomeday

You can do this very simply by comparing timestamps using native Javascript functions — no jQuery necessary for the timing logic:

var start, end, interval;

$('form' /*or whatever selector*/).keydown(function() {
    start = new Date();
}).keyup(function() {
    end = new Date();

    interval = end.getTime() - start.getTime(); // interval in milliseconds

    // do your AJAX here

Answer by Starx

Why dont you check this link. It is a jquery stopwatch. Go through its coding, may be it will give you some idea.

June 21, 2010

Limit posting to every 30 minutes

Question by jay

Thanks for looking.

I’m trying to write a script to set a cookie after the user posts a comment, limiting them from posting again for 30 minutes. I’m so confused on where to start. Please, could you guys help me out on how I do this?

I’m trying to use this jquery plugin – countdown timer.

Answer by Starx

Use Session

For example, after a post, put the current time + 30 minutes in your session line this
$_SESSION['postTimeFlag'] = time() + 1800;
Then whenever the user is about to post then the session

if(time()>$_SESSION['postTimeFlag']) { 
   //continue posting

Please fill the form - I will response as fast as I can!