November 4, 2012

?: Operator return void

Question by Artur Keyan

I want to use the ?: operator intstead of if else


var directory = new DirectoryInfo(path);
if (!directory.Exist())
    // do nothing

I tried to use ?: like this:

var directory = new DirectoryInfo(path);
!directory.Exist() ? directory.Create() : void;

but it says “Invalid expression term ‘void’“, null also isn’t working.

Can anyone tell me a solution? Thanks.

Answer by Starx

Ternary operator are not designed to replace if/else They are to simplify assignment and declaration. It should be able to assign the result the statement to something like variable or function. There major use are in assignment or reading.

Something like

var status = !directory.Exist() ? directory.Create() : false;

The correct solution would be to stick to native if condition. The following is enough:

var directory = new DirectoryInfo(path);
if (!directory.Exist())
December 29, 2010

CSS files vs skin files

Question by just_name

Q: I want to know :

  1. Are the skin files can replace the
    CSS files?
  2. What are the advantages of
    skin files?

  3. Are those files can provide more
    brilliant things the CSS files


  4. When to use skin files in my web

Answer by Geoff Appleford skins are one part of Themes. From the MSDN docs:

Themes are made up of a set of
elements: skins, cascading style
sheets (CSS), images, and other
resources. At a minimum, a theme will
contain skins. Themes are defined in
special directories in your Web site
or on your Web server.

Skins are used to define default markup for server controls:

<asp:button runat="server" BackColor="lightblue" ForeColor="black" />

whereas CSS is used to style your native HTML elements (of course server controls render as native elements so CSS can also be used to style these

Answer by Starx

CSS Files is a .css file contains style tags nothing more (for example, page.css)

But, a theme or skin file might be a set of files containing images, icons, css files, js files which can be used or integrated as sort of a plugin to change the appearance of the Application. (for example, a joomla template)


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