May 4, 2012

converting unicode u sequence (like u041a) to normal utf-8 text in php

Question by QuadroVal

I have a string like this
“u041au043bu0443u0431 Test”;

It was decoded by json_encode(), the original string was “Клуб Test” in russian.
when I put it to js like

alert(“u041au043bu0443u0431 Test”);

I get correct displaying, like on the screen. So js
in some way poperly decodes it to normal view.
The question is how can I do the same thing in php, is there any built in method?

enter image description here

$json_in = '{"testKey":"u041au043bu0443u0431 Test"}';
$json_out = json_decode($json_in, true);
Convert  "u041au043bu0443u0431" to  "Клуб" 
and perform html_entity_decode($str, null, 'UTF-8');

Answer by globin

You probably want HTML entities to print the characters:

  • Ӓ for decimal code
  • Ī for hex code

Answer by Starx

While converting the data, use JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE as the options

echo json_encode($text, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE);

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