jquery POST does not return any result in https
Question by mario
I have a jquery script that just runs fine on http://mysite.com
and looks like this:
$('#form_changePass').live('submit', function() {
//alert('form_changePass cliked');
$.POST("_ajaxCall.php", $(this).serialize(),
var json = eval('('+data+')');
if(json.message=='alert') {
if(json.message=='info') {
return false;
PHP script:
if ($_POST['formType']=="form_changePass") {
$arr = array( 'message' => 'info', 'string' => $INFO['updatePass']);
echo json_encode($arr);
Now when I move the domain into https the jquery script is not working anymore. I do not get any return value back. Nothing happens.
I also tried to change the POST to getJSON in the javascript and changed the $_POST to $_GET in the php script but it is still not working.
Anybody a idea?
Answer by Starx
serializes the form data as a string, so send them using a parameter instead.
$('#form_changePass').on('submit', function() {
//alert('form_changePass cliked');
$.POST("_ajaxCall.php", { formData: $(this).serialize() },
var json = eval('('+data+')');
if(json.message=='alert') {
if(json.message=='info') {
return false;
And stop using .live()
methods, they have been deprecated now. Use .on()