June 27, 2012

Adding an EJB to a web application in netbeans

Question by henry joseph

I was following a tutorial on how to create a web application in netbeans using Java EE 6. The tutor added a new bean by just right clicking on the project name->new->session bean. When I tried to follow the same instruction, I didn’t find the session bean when I went to new. I am using netbeans 6.9.1. Is there a way to add it ?


Answer by Starx

You can add, the session beans, by using project pane on the left side. (If this is not showing, Press Ctrl + 1 or go to windows -> select Projects)

Then to add the session beans

  • Right your project
  • Go to New
  • Find Session Beans, If not go to others
  • There find a category called “Enterprise JavaBeans”
  • Select Session Bean
  • Continue and complete the wizard.

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