Java string interpreted wrongly in SQL
Question by Shweta B. Patil
There is an string[] likely;
This array stores the name of column of database table dynamically while runtime.And the program understand the size of the likely in runtime.
Now to put this in sql query .I use a for loop for concatanation of string
for(int k=0;k<likely.length;k++)
temp1=""+likely["+k+"]+"='Likely' AND ";
if the size is 3 the final temp will look like
temp = " "+likely[0]+"='Likely' AND "+
likely[1]+"='Likely' AND "+
likely[2]+"='Likely' AND "
Now i formulate sql query as
sql ="SELECT * FROM PUNE WHERE"+temp+"Arts_And_Museum='Yes'";
But during the
ps = con.prepareStatement(sql);
this statement is compiled like
WHERE [+likely[0]+]='Likely'
AND [+likely[1]+]='Likely'
AND [+likely[2]+]='Likely' AND Arts_And_Museum='Yes'
After deep investigation ,I came to conclusion that it interprets ” as [ or ] alternately..
As a result i get an error
How should i solve this problem?
I run a for loop and prepare a string
I am trying to write a sql syntax
Answer by Starx
The symbol is used for escaping. On doing this, you are escaping all the front characters.
Whenever you are asking for an item in array you can access it using likely[k]
no need for likey["k"]
Here is how you should do it.
temp1="\"+likely[k]+"\='Likely' AND ";