Secure JavaScript Site Specific API
Question by Ryan Naddy
I have been thinking about how to do this for a while, and I am not sure what the best approach is for this.
What I want to do, is allow users to sign up their website, they then are given a javascript snippet with a key, code, and a link to a file stored on my server.
var prefix_key = 1234567890;
var prefix_code = "hfj48fj4587tgfj5trutjh47dl4gx04jd9f";
<script src=""></script>
Now, what can happen is say I have that on my site, and you come and copy it to your site. How can I secure it so it doesn’t work on your site but still works on mine?
Note: I will be using PHP as a back end if back end is needed.
Answer by Starx
Get the key
and code
from an ajax request based on a fixed API code which is user specific.
For example:
Give you every user a fixed API code to query the page which returns key
and code