March 18, 2011

click a link or click submit without refreshing

Question by user634850

i have header, main_content, footer, right, and left content

my right content has a random link

i don’t want my right content to be refresh when I click a random link
and the main_content would be the output

is it possible that a web page without refreshing the page when you click a link or click submit button and still you can see the url on your browser what you have clicked? how do to that?


Answer by Starx

Here, try these

<a href="#"> Your Link </a>

<input type="submit" onClick"return false;" />

Author: Nabin Nepal (Starx)

Hello, I am Nabin Nepal and you can call me Starx. This is my blog where write about my life and my involvements. I am a Software Developer, A Cyclist and a Realist. I hope you will find my blog interesting. Follow me on Google+


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