May 31, 2010
finding a way to track website users
Question by sdr
I want to know that is there any way to know after which page an user is leaving the website.
So that I can track that page and work to improve the content of that page.
I am using PHP as backend code.
Answer by Starx
If you want to see which is the last page a user is visiting, you can do something like this
I am assuming that you have a mysql connection already provided.
Create a page like “session.php” and place this function
function trackpage($pagename) {
if(!isset($_SESSION)) {
// if the user is visiting the website for the first time
$query = "INSERT INTO `newusers` VALUES(NULL, '$pagename');";
//In case table 'newuser' have two fields 'id' and 'page' to keep a track of page
$result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
$_SESSION['userid'] = mysql_insert_id();
else {
//if he is just visiting another page
$query = "UPDATE `newusers` SET page='$pagename' WHERE id='".$_SESSION['userid']."';";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
Npw you need to include this on every page. on the top write this
include "session.php";
Now you know on what page are people leaving the website