May 22, 2013

Merging columns if a column has a count > 1

Lotier’s Question:

I’m trying to create a column that is merged column if the count of column_1 is greater than 1, and just the value of one of the columns if 1, when matching to column_1. So far I can get the column to merge properly, but it only returns the first row back, not all of them.

Example Table

id, col_1,   col_2,   col_3
1, 'Name1', 'Value',  '1',
2, 'Name2', 'Value',  '2',
3, 'Name2', 'Value',  '3',
4, 'Name3', 'Value2', '1',
5, 'Name2', 'Value3', '1';

What I would like back

2, Name2, Value 2
3, Name2, Value 3
5, Name2, Value3

What I’ve attempted so far

IF (count(col_2) > 1, concat(col_2, ' ', col_3), col_2) as merge
FROM mytable 
where col_1 = 'Name2'

which only returns ‘2, Value 2’ Thanks for the help. I’ve messed with it at!2/9ce7e/7

count() is a aggregate function, thus it return single row as output.

You can user the following query to make sure col_2 has some value before concatenating

IF (col_2 <> "" , concat(col_2, ' ', col_3), col_2) as merge
FROM mytable 
where col_1 = 'Name2'

Author: Nabin Nepal (Starx)

Hello, I am Nabin Nepal and you can call me Starx. This is my blog where write about my life and my involvements. I am a Software Developer, A Cyclist and a Realist. I hope you will find my blog interesting. Follow me on Google+


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