March 18, 2013
fadein after 2s, then fadeout after 10s animation
Question by Marino
I have a problem which I don’t know how to solve.
I want to to get this cloud to become visible after 2s and then become invisible again after 10s. It is important that the px
remains as I have it because the cloud should:
- travel
- become visible in the beginning of the content area
- become invisible at the end of the content area
- travel to the end of the page invisible.
.cloud1 {
margin:18px 0px 0px 0px;
animation:mymove 31s infinite;
/*Safari and Chrome*/
-webkit-animation:mymove 31s infinite;
-webkit-opacity:0 5s;
@keyframes mymove
from {left:1050px;}
to {left:0px;}
@-webkit-keyframes mymove /*Safari and Chrome*/
from {left:1050px;}
to {left:0px;}