August 19, 2012
Why is count(id) resulting 3 dimensional array?
Question by goose
Im using this direct query method in cakephp to get a count (against the norms of MVC).
$count = $this->History->query("SELECT count(id) AS x FROM ratings WHERE id='3' AND employee='28'");
But it turns out that, i need to use $count[0][0]['x']
to get the value.
Why isnt it available at $count['x']
Answer by Starx
Simply, its because the function
does not return a single dimensional array. I will suggest you to create a helper function
, which extracts the single dimensional array and return it.
function single_query($query) {
$result = $this->History->query($query);
return $result[0][0];
then use it
$count = $this->single_query("SELECT count(id) AS x FROM ratings WHERE id='3' AND employee='28'");