April 29, 2012

returning DOM element objects as a string?

Question by Thomas T

I’m not sure how to phrase my question, so I’ll just post my code and explain what I’m trying to do:

function getNewElement(tagName, className, idName, text){
    var newElement = document.createElement(tagName);
    newElement.className = className;
    newElement.id = idName;
    newElement.innerHTML = text;

    return newElement;

If I call

getNewElement("div", "meow", "meow1", getNewElement("span","meow", "meow2", "blahblahblah"));

I just get

<div id="meow1" class="meow">[object HTMLSpanElement]</div>

So my question is, how would I write this to return a string with out converting (potentially expensive operation?) or ghetto patching with strings.

ghetto patch version:

function getNewElement(tagName, className, idName, text){
    return '<' + tagName + ' class=' + className + ' id=' + idName + '>' + text + '</' + tagName + '>';     

Achieves the functionality I wanted, but I feel like it’s not that elegant.

Answer by KooiInc

Not sure, but if you want the contents of #meow2 in the new element #meow1, using the statement as you do, this would be a solution:

function getNewElement(tagName, className, idName, contents){
    var newElement = document.createElement(tagName);
    newElement.className = className;
    newElement.id = idName;
    newElement.innerHTML = 
          typeof contents === 'string' ? contents : contents.innerHTML;
    return newElement;


getNewElement("div", "meow", "meow1", 
              getNewElement("span","meow", "meow2", "blahblahblah"));

would create a new element #meow1, with the content of a newly created element #meow2. Appended somewhere in the document it would look like:

<div class="meow" id="meow1">blahblahblah</div>

Otherwise, if you want #meow2 to be a child of #meow1, this would be a solution:

function getNewElement(tagName, className, idName, contents){
    var newElement = document.createElement(tagName);
    newElement.className = className;
    newElement.id = idName;
    if (typeof contents === 'string'){
      newElement.innerHTML = contents;
    } else {
    return newElement;

Now if you would do:

     getNewElement("div", "meow", "meow1", 
                   getNewElement("span","meow", "meow2", "blahblahblah"))

this would be the result:

 <div class="meow" id="meow1">
  <span class="meow" id="meow2">blahblahblah</span>

Answer by Starx

Change your function to take multiple type in parameter text

function getNewElement(tagName, className, idName, text){
    var newElement = document.createElement(tagName);
    newElement.className = className;
    newElement.id = idName;
    newElement.innerHTML = 
          typeof text === 'string' ? text: text.outerHTML;
    return newElement;

Author: Nabin Nepal (Starx)

Hello, I am Nabin Nepal and you can call me Starx. This is my blog where write about my life and my involvements. I am a Software Developer, A Cyclist and a Realist. I hope you will find my blog interesting. Follow me on Google+


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