April 24, 2012
PHP – array_search() fails on === true, but not on !== false?
Question by DaBananaboat
When I want to check if something is in the array and get the key back, I use the array_search() function.
Why is it when I compare the function to be exactly equal to true (=== true) it returns false, and when I compare it to not be exactly equal to false (!== false) it returns true?
if(array_search($value, $array) === true)
// Fails
if(array_search($value, $array) !== false)
// Succeeds
Thanks in advance.
Answer by Starx
does not return true.
If will only return false, if it can’t find anything, otherwise it will return the key of the matched element.
According to the manual
array_search — Searches the array for a given value and returns the corresponding key if successful
….Returns the key for needle if it is found in the array, FALSE otherwise.