March 19, 2013
php difference between 1 and '1'
Question by Blaze Tama
I have struggle with this problem for hours. I have this method my model (codeigniter) :
public function get_umat($kelas1 = 0, $kelas2 = 0) {
$this->db->join('mskelas', 'msumat.kelas_id = mskelas.kelas_id');
if($kelas1 != 0)
echo $kelas1;
$this->db->where('mskelas.kelas_id', $kelas1);
else if($kelas2 !=0)
echo '2';
$this->db->where('mskelas.kelas_id', $kelas2);
else if($kelas1 != 0 && $kelas2 !=0)
echo '3';
$this->db->where('mskelas.kelas_id BETWEEN $kelas1 AND $kelas2');
return $this->db->get();
The one that not working is in this line of code (taken from above) :
$this->db->where('mskelas.kelas_id', $kelas1);
Its not working when i called this method in my controller, like this :
$this->backend_m->get_umat($_POST['ddl_kelas1'], $_POST['ddl_kelas1']);
I get ‘1’(String) when i vardump the ($_POST['ddl_kelas1']
Then i try to change the parameter in the controller, but its still not working :
$this->backend_m->get_umat(1, $_POST['ddl_kelas1']);
Desperately, i tried to change the parameter directly in the model, and its working :
public function get_umat($kelas1 = 1, $kelas2 = 0)
Whats going on here?i think it has something to do with the difference of 1 (int) and ‘1’ (String). Thanks
Answer by Starx
Cast your variables as integer.
$this->backend_m->get_umat((int)$_POST['ddl_kelas1'], (int)$_POST['ddl_kelas1']);