June 25, 2012

PHP Populate Text box from Select – Array fields

Question by user1479891

I need to populate the relevant text box with the results of a Select drop down.

My Javascript so far is

<script language="JavaScript">
var mytextbox = document.getElementById('error');
var mydropdown = document.getElementById('errormsg_id');

mydropdown.onchange = function(){
     mytextbox.value = this.value;

My select box and text boxes are built as arrays from a query so there is nultiple of them.
I need to be able to populate the corresponding text box with the results from the Select next to it.

Any ideas?


    <td width="1%">

    <select style="width:100%" name="errormsg_id[]"  id="errormsg_id[]">

    <?php do { ?> 

    <option value="<?php echo  $row_rserrormsg['errormsg_id']?>"
    <?php if ($row_rsdates['errormsg_id'] == $row_rserrormsg['errormsg_id'])                 {              echo("selected='selected'"); } ; ?> >
<?php echo $row_rserrormsg['error_message']?></option>

<?php } while ($row_rserrormsg = mysql_fetch_assoc($rserrormsg)); ?>

<?php  mysql_data_seek($rserrormsg, 0);
$row_rserrormsg = mysql_fetch_assoc($rserrormsg);?>

<TD  align="center" class="adminuser">
<input style="width:96%;text-align:left;"  autocomplete="on"  title="Enter Error    Message" type="text" name="error[]" id="error[]" value="<?php echo $row_rsdates['error_message']; ?>" maxlength="100"/> 

Answer by Starx

You need to think of way to uniquely identify your corresponding set of elements. The most convenient way I would suggest would be to use the primary key value of the data row.

And example would be like

while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
   $id = $row['id']; //A primary key field

   echo '<input type="text" name="text'.$id.'" id="text'.$id.'" />';
   echo '<select name="select'.$id.'" id="select'.$id.'" />...</select>";

Next, call a function from the select menu, so that only the relevant text box is updated. Update the above select portion to read something similar to this.

echo '<select name="select'.$id.'" id="select'.$id.'" onchange="updateBox('text'.$id.'', this.value)" />...</select>";

Now, create a very simple simple function to update the text box.

function updateBox(element, value) {
    el = document.getElementById(element);
    el.value = value;

Author: Nabin Nepal (Starx)

Hello, I am Nabin Nepal and you can call me Starx. This is my blog where write about my life and my involvements. I am a Software Developer, A Cyclist and a Realist. I hope you will find my blog interesting. Follow me on Google+


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