May 15, 2012

How to set top position using jquery

Question by Rajanikant Shukla

I am creating custom div scroller and want to set top position of content div. My jquery code is as bellow:-

            //$("#content").css("top",( contentTopPosition-(containerOuterHeight/20) ) + "px");
            //alert("Fontsize"+$('#content').css('font-size') );

and html is :-

<div id='messagePopUpContainer' style='background-color:#ffffff; overflow: hidden;'>
<a href='javascript:void(0);' id='popupanchor' onkeydown='PopupKeyHandler("' + elmId + '");'></a>

<div id='content' style='width:350px'>' + methods.settings[elmId].text + '</div >
<div id='popupReturn'>Return</div></div></div>'

can you suggest me how to do this. any help will be appriciated.


Answer by Starx

Accessing CSS property & manipulating is quite easy using .css(). For example, to change single property:

$("selector").css('top', '50px');

Author: Nabin Nepal (Starx)

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