May 6, 2012

insert date data into access database using php?

Question by Illyricum

I am trying to insert data to access database but I am having a problem. I know the problem is when I am inserting value date because i tried to put NULL there and it worked and inserted everything except the date. I also tried to put date in a string ‘date’ to take is as a string but it didnt work. Any idea?

$query_insert = "insert into orders (Ord_Date, Cus_Id_Fk, Book_Id_Fk) Values ($date,$cus_id, $book_id)";
$insert = odbc_exec($conn, $query_insert) or die (odbc_errormsg());

As I said this one with NULL worked, but I need also the date to be inserted.

$query_insert = "insert into orders (Ord_Date, Cus_Id_Fk, Book_Id_Fk) Values (null, $cus_id, $book_id)";
$insert = odbc_exec($conn, $query_insert) or die (odbc_errormsg());

Answer by Starx

Since your date format is MM-DD-YYYY, you have to prepare the $date to fits that format. Here is how

$date = date("d-m-Y");
$query_insert = 'INSERT INTO .... ';

Author: Nabin Nepal (Starx)

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