April 7, 2012

php comparing 2 co-ords

Question by user1022585

I don’t know why, but this doesn’t seem to work.

Basically I want this to be true if the player1 ($playerX, $playerY) is within one square from player2 ($rs[x], $rs[y])

if (($rs[x] > $playerX-2 or $rs[x] < $playerX+2) && ($rs[y] > $playerY-2 or $rs[y] < $playerY+2)) {
    // code

Any idea what I’m doing wrong?

Answer by Starx

Your conditions end up on true due to the OR operator

if (($rs[x] > $playerX-2 && $rs[x] < $playerX+2) && ($rs[y] > $playerY-2 && $rs[y] < $playerY+2)) {
   //your code

Author: Nabin Nepal (Starx)

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