March 31, 2012

getting the child text from a div in a .each loop

Question by randy

this is just a couple of lines of code that i have in my page.
I am using the jquery ui drag and drop. These are two of the items of many

when the saved button is press i need to get all the IDs and the text in the group_name div

This function gets the ID ok but i can not figure out how to get the $(‘group_name’).text() from the current LI in the each loop.

   function saveChanges(){
        $("li.ui-state-default").each(function() {
            var $divitem = $( this );

this is the html snippet

<li id="5" class="ui-state-default">
<div class="group_name">Classes</div>
<div class="group_footer">
      <a title="Delete this group" class="mytrash-icon" href="#">
         <img border="0" src="trash.png" class="mytrash-img"></a>
      <a title="Manage Subfolders" class="subfolder" href="#">   
         <img border="0" src="Folder-Icon.png"></a>
<li id="6" class="ui-state-default">
<div class="group_name">Coaching</div>
<div class="group_footer">
        <a title="Delete this group" class="mytrash-icon" href="#">
          <img border="0" src="trash.png" class="mytrash-img"></a>
        <a title="Manage Subfolders" class="subfolder" href="#">
          <img border="0" src="Folder-Icon.png"></a>

Thanks for any help!

Answer by Starx

One way would be to use .find()

$("li.ui-state-default").each(function() {
    var $divitem = $(this);

Another would be to use .children()

$("li.ui-state-default").each(function() {
    var $divitem = $(this);

But the one I like is neither

$("li.ui-state-default").each(function() {
    var $divitem = $(this);
    console.log($(".group_name", $divitem).text());

Author: Nabin Nepal (Starx)

Hello, I am Nabin Nepal and you can call me Starx. This is my blog where write about my life and my involvements. I am a Software Developer, A Cyclist and a Realist. I hope you will find my blog interesting. Follow me on Google+


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