March 30, 2012

how to button enable when all textbox has value in jquery?

Question by nic

i am new in i have given description of my problem
i have one pair of two text box. one text box is for url and other is for instruction but all text-boxes created dynamically depending on what value comes from database.

for example $testing_type_id=2 so i get total two pair of text boxes ,let it called bundle.$i is used for indentify textbox uniquely.

  <input type = "text"  size="33"   class="uploadtxt1 url" name="txturl_<?php echo $testing_type_id ; ?>" id = "txturl_<?php echo $testing_type_id; ?>_<?php echo $i ; ?>" value="" />
             <input type = "text"  class="uploadtxt2" size="33" name="txtinstruction_<?php echo $testing_type_id ; ?>" id = "txtinstruction_<?php echo $testing_type_id; ?>_<?php echo $i ; ?>" value=""  /> <br/>
             <input type="submit" name="checkout" id="checkout"   class="graybtn1 ptr  button_float_left_checkout" disabled="disabled" value="Proceed To Checkout" />

here what i wanted to do that if all bundle has value, either in one textbox or both textbox so and so enable submit button.if i removed value so disable submit button using jquery.

need a help urgent.Thanks in Advance.

Answer by Sheikh Heera

I think this will work

        var alltxt=$("input[class^='uploadtxt']").length;
        var empty=true;
                $('#checkout').prop('disabled', true);
                return false;
        if(!empty)  $('#checkout').prop('disabled', false);                    

An example is here.

Answer by Starx

I am going to suggest a minor markup changes so that will be easy to handle the traversing.

Wrap the elements in a <div>

<div class="item">
    <input type = "text"  size="33"   class="uploadtxt1 url" name="txturl_<?php echo $testing_type_id ; ?>" id = "txturl_<?php echo $testing_type_id; ?>_<?php echo $i ; ?>" value="" />
    <input type = "text"  class="uploadtxt2" size="33" name="txtinstruction_<?php echo $testing_type_id ; ?>" id = "txtinstruction_<?php echo $testing_type_id; ?>_<?php echo $i ; ?>" value=""  /> <br/>
    <input type="submit" name="checkout" id="checkout"   class="graybtn1 ptr  button_float_left_checkout" disabled="disabled" value="Proceed To Checkout" />

Then, Attach a snippet on the change event

$("input[type=text]", $(".item")).change(function() {
    var allField = true;
    $(this).closest(".item").find("input[type=text]").each(function() {
         allField = allField && ($(this).val().length > 0)
    if(allField) {
        $(this).closest(".item").find("input[type=submit]").prop('disabled', false);

Demo of Working Solution

Author: Nabin Nepal (Starx)

Hello, I am Nabin Nepal and you can call me Starx. This is my blog where write about my life and my involvements. I am a Software Developer, A Cyclist and a Realist. I hope you will find my blog interesting. Follow me on Google+


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