March 24, 2012

MySQL count maximum number of rows

Question by Andrew Latham

I am trying to select the classes with maximum enrollment in each department from a table with the following structure:

Courses: cid, dept, name

Enrollment: cid, sid

The idea would be to count all the enrollments in each class, and find the maximum in each department. Unfortunately, I’m having trouble with the maximum-count combination.

My query was going to look something like:

 SELECT, MAX(COUNT(*) FROM Enrollment E WHERE E.cid = C.cid)
 FROM Courses C
 GROUP BY C.dept

But I can’t figure out how to get the MAX-COUNT syntax to work properly. I’ve tried a lot of different examples from Google and StackOverflow and none of them worked for me. MySQL says the syntax is wrong.

Answer by dbaseman

I like nested queries for this kind of problem. First select the enrollment counts grouped per class. Then find the max enrollment count grouped per department:

SELECT MAX(cnt) cnt, dept FROM
    SELECT COUNT(*) cnt, dept, C.cid
    FROM Courses C 
        INNER JOIN Enrollment E on C.cid = E.cid
    GROUP BY cid, dept
) a

Answer by Starx

There is no declaration of E, so you can’t use E.cid

So, either you do this

SELECT, COUNT(c.*) as count 
FROM Courses C


 SELECT, MAX(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Enrollment E WHERE E.cid = C.cid)
 FROM Courses C
 GROUP BY C.dept

Author: Nabin Nepal (Starx)

Hello, I am Nabin Nepal and you can call me Starx. This is my blog where write about my life and my involvements. I am a Software Developer, A Cyclist and a Realist. I hope you will find my blog interesting. Follow me on Google+


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