March 20, 2012

Processing JSON output from mysql through php

Question by rudawg

Ok so i managed to figure out the php code and it is working and is outputting in the right json format when i view it in browser. Here’s the code thanks to help from Starx:

include ("Includes/dbConnect.php");


$query2 = "SELECT * FROM events";
$checkevent = mysqli_query($cxn,$query2) or die("Couldn't execute query!");
$dates = array();
    while ($row2 = mysqli_fetch_array($checkevent))
        $eventDate = $row2['eventDate'];
        $eventName = $row2['eventName'];
        $eventHost = $row2['host'];

        $dates[$eventDate] = array('title' => $eventName, 'desc' => $eventHost);

    echo json_encode(array("dates" => $dates));

this outputs:
{“dates”:{“2012-03-16”:{“title”:”Table Quiz”,”desc”:”MSU”},”2012-03-20″:{“title”:”Welcome”,”desc”:”Me”}}}

So there has to be a problem with my jquery code. i altered it as to Starx’s specifications but still nothing, anyone have any ideas??

    <script type="text/javascript">

            type: "GET",
            url: "getCalendarEvents.php",
            dataType: "json",
            data: "date="+date,
            async: false, //stop rendering the calender until eventdates is changed.
            success: json.each(function(k,v){
                $.fn.ical.changeEventDates(v); //this function changes the eventdates


Answer by Starx

Make sure there is no futher operation after you echo the encoded json. So use an exit() at the end to confirm this

echo json_encode($dates);


On that case, notice that you are using two dimensional array for $date. When using $date[] = array(..) So you have to access it like

json.each(function(k,v) { 
    //Now v will hold the json format 

Update 2

{“dates”:{“eventDate”:{“title”: “eventName”, “desc”: “eventHost”}, “eventDate”: {“title”: “eventName”, “desc”: “eventHost”}}}

This format is not quite possible, since every item has same key eventDate. You can do it another way. Change up the following in the php

echo json_encode(array("dates" => $dates));

Now , json in your success function will hold similar format

   // This will hold the json is this format
   // {"dates":{ 0 :{"title": "eventName", "desc": "eventHost"}, 1 : {"title": "eventName", "desc": "eventHost"}}}
   // Note the numeric indexing

Author: Nabin Nepal (Starx)

Hello, I am Nabin Nepal and you can call me Starx. This is my blog where write about my life and my involvements. I am a Software Developer, A Cyclist and a Realist. I hope you will find my blog interesting. Follow me on Google+


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