March 20, 2012

PHP SQL – Advanced delete query

Question by Marc

I have a table with 3 columns: id, date and name. What I am looking for is to delete the records that have a duplicate name. The rule should be to keep the record that has the oldest date. For instance in the example below, there is 3 records with the name Paul. So I would like to keep the one that has the oldest date (id=1) and remove all the others (id = 4 and 6). I know how to make insert, update, etc queries, but here I do not see how to make the trick work. Thank you in advance for your replies. Cheers. Marc

id, date, name

1, 2012-03-10, Paul
2, 2012-03-10, James
4, 2012-03-12, Paul
5, 2012-03-11, Ricardo
6, 2012-03-13, Paul


Answer by Starx

The best suggestion I can give you is create a unique index on name and avoid all the trouble.

Follow the steps as Peter Kiss said from 2 to 3. Then do this

ALTER Table tablename ADD UNIQUE INDEX name (name)

Then Follow 4 Insert everything from the temporary table to the original.

All the new duplicate rows, will be omitted

Author: Nabin Nepal (Starx)

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