March 17, 2012

How to find the largest array from a multi dimensional array

Question by sunil kumar

Possible Duplicate:
Get the maximum value from an element in a multidimensional array?
find max() of specific multidimensional array value in php

Iam trying to find out the largest array from multi dimensional array.

    [0] => Array
            [comment] => ayya
            [commented_on] => 17/03/12
            [ckey] => 210029c5d80d8259d1599c9a
            [username] => pappa
            [up] => 2
            [down] => 0
            [vote] => 2

    [1] => Array
            [comment] => sdfsd
            [commented_on] => 17/03/12
            [ckey] => 08f6a34f96bdeef2903ddaf4
            [username] => jesse
            [up] => 2
            [down] => 0
            [vote] => 2

    [2] => Array
            [comment] => 159
            [commented_on] => 17/03/12
            [ckey] => 4da385124793336339268782
            [username] => jesse
            [up] => 2
            [down] => 0
            [vote] => 2

    [3] => Array
            [comment] => s
            [commented_on] => 17/03/12
            [ckey] => 299c77c52ee087e468e23e82
            [username] => jesse
            [up] => 2
            [down] => 0
            [vote] => 2

    [4] => Array
            [comment] => jh
            [commented_on] => 17/03/12
            [ckey] => 523c18820d8b8db827a240ad
            [username] => jesse
            [up] => 2
            [down] => 0
            [vote] => 2

    [5] => Array
            [comment] => jh
            [commented_on] => 17/03/12
            [ckey] => 9f824c11b0ecafcc38c09f4c
            [username] => jesse
            [up] => 1
            [down] => 1
            [vote] => 0

    [6] => Array
            [comment] => jh
            [commented_on] => 17/03/12
            [ckey] => c97e7ad4d205220c4b8b0332
            [username] => jesse
            [up] => 1
            [down] => 0
            [vote] => 1


I would like to get the array having highest votes.
Highest means the array having highest vote

I have used the following code, but it is not working.

                    foreach($final2 as $f1){

                        foreach($final2 as $f2){




Answer by Starx

AFAIK array size is counted from the number of elements it has.

So may be this will help

$largeArraySize = 0;

foreach($arraylist as $array) {
   if(count($array) > $largeArraySize) {
     $largeArray = $array;

// Hence $largeArray has the largest

Unless a large array come this code will take the first occurrence as the largest.

Author: Nabin Nepal (Starx)

Hello, I am Nabin Nepal and you can call me Starx. This is my blog where write about my life and my involvements. I am a Software Developer, A Cyclist and a Realist. I hope you will find my blog interesting. Follow me on Google+


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