March 7, 2012
PHP String – Escape Single Quotes (for jQgrid Select Box)
Question by FastTrack
I have a string:
$departmentList = "value:'16:NAR,JR'S OFFICE;17:MFR'S OFFICE;18:NAR/MFR JOINT OFFICE'"
My problem is, the single quotes you can see in JR'S OFFICE
are prematurely ending my string. I could switch my double quotes with single quotes and vice versa, but these are coming from user-entered values. If the user had entered a double quote, I would be in the same boat as I am now.
Any ideas on how to keep the integrity of this string while having single and double quotes throughout?
By the way, not sure if this matters for anything but – I’m putting my $departmentList string into a jQGrid to build the values for a select box.
Answer by xato
Use addslashes to replace "
with "
and '
with '
Answer by Starx
If you are using the input for database purpose better use mysql_real_escape_string()
$departmentList = "value:'16:NAR,JR'S OFFICE;17:MFR'S OFFICE;18:NAR/MFR JOINT OFFICE'";
$data = mysql_real_escape_string($departmentList);