March 5, 2012

jQuery: Select last match before specified element

Question by rampion

Is there a way in jQuery to, given an element and a selector, select the last match of that selector before that element from an in-order traversal of the DOM tree?

For example, given the DOM tree:

    <div class="a" id="div0" />
      <div class="a" id="div1"/>
    <div class="b" id="div2"/>
    <div id="element"/>
    <div class="a" id="div3"/>
    <div class="b" id="div4"/>

Using the selector .a and element #element, you’d get #div1, and using the selector .b and the element #element, you’d get #div2.

The use case is writing a GreaseMonkey script to work across different versions of Firefox with some slightly mangled HTML. I’ve got an element I can find consistently in all versions, but another element I want to find is either a previous sibling of an ancestor of the element or a descendent of a previous sibling of an ancestor of the element (depending on the version).

All I can really rely on is that it is the last match of the selector that occurs before the element I have when doing an in-order traversal of the DOM tree.

Answer by James Montagne

This should do it, using your first example:

var $collection = $(".a, #element");

var eleIndex = $collection.index($("#element"));

var prevEl = $collection.eq(eleIndex - 1);


Answer by Starx

This should do it

var last = $(".a, #element").eq($(".a, #element").length-1);

Author: Nabin Nepal (Starx)

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