March 5, 2012

Difficulties with storing links in a mysql database?

Question by Matt Williams

Im trying to store some links in a database but i think my SQL code is off but i cant figure out what the problem is.

INSERT INTO `users`(`fbid`, `meme`) VALUES (122321414,

I think its the : character but im not sure how to escape it in SQL

If you could post anything to help me then thanks a lot! 😀

Thanks Everyone

Answer by Starx

You should escape the values, when entered into the database.

Use mysql_real_escape_String() to escape such values and never forget to enclose the values with a single-quote(‘), keeps you safe most of the time.

$url = mysql_real_escape_string("");
$query = "INSERT INTO `users`(`fbid`, `meme`) VALUES (122321414, '$url')";

Author: Nabin Nepal (Starx)

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