February 27, 2012

how to append a div tag generated by jQuery dynamically with a javascript div tag element

Question by subhojit777

I want to append a div tag generated by jQuery dynamically with a javascript div tag element. My code looks like this:

  $(this).hide("fast", function(){
  var id = $(this).parent().attr("id");
  var remove_item_id = document.getElementById(id);
  var block_element = document.getElementById("block");


  new_item = $("<div/>");
  new_item.attr("id", "item");
  new_item.attr("name", "item");
  .attr("src", "/compare/sites/default/files/add_item.jpg")
  .attr("height", 50)
  .attr("width", 50));



The code for appending the jQuery div tag with javascript div tag should look like this:

But its giving error since we cannot bind since I am using javascript and jQuery in the same line. Is there any way to do it?

Answer by Starx

The only thing, you need to change is

var block_element = $("#block");

Rest should work as it is.

Author: Nabin Nepal (Starx)

Hello, I am Nabin Nepal and you can call me Starx. This is my blog where write about my life and my involvements. I am a Software Developer, A Cyclist and a Realist. I hope you will find my blog interesting. Follow me on Google+


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