August 24, 2010
description box on mouseover
Question by Артём Царионов
i am playing with the onmouseover
event in javascript
i would like a little box to pop up and remain up until there is no onmouseover
i think it’s called a decription box, but i am not sure?
how do i get a little box to pop up with custom text when i put my mouse over certain text>? and i need it to disappear once i move the mouse to a different object
Answer by casablanca
Assuming popup
is the ID of your “description box”:
<div id="parent">
This is the main container.
<div id="popup" style="display: none">some text here</div>
var e = document.getElementById('parent');
e.onmouseover = function() {
document.getElementById('popup').style.display = 'block';
e.onmouseout = function() {
document.getElementById('popup').style.display = 'none';
Alternatively you can get rid of JavaScript entirely and do it just with CSS:
.parent .popup {
display: none;
.parent:hover .popup {
display: block;
Answer by Starx
Well, I made a simple two liner script for this, Its small and does what u want.
Check it
Its a jquery solution