August 13, 2010

Confusing JavaScript statement: "var x = new this();"

Question by user419125

I thought I understood the concept of the JavaScript prototype object, as well as [[proto]] until I saw a few posts regarding class inheritance.

Firstly, “JavaScript OOP – the smart way” at

See the implementation section:

var parent = new this('no_init');

And also “Simple JavaScript Inheritance” on John Resig’s great blog.

var prototype = new this();

What does new this(); actually mean?

This statement makes no sense to me because my understand has been that this points to an object and not a constructor function. I’ve also tried testing statements in Firebug to figure this one out and all I receive is syntax errors.

My head has gone off into a complete spin.

Could someone please explain this in detail?

Answer by strager

AJS.Class effectively* translates this:

var Person = new AJS.Class({
    init: function(name) { = name;
    getName: function() {
Person.count = 0;

into this:

var Person = function (name) { = name;

Person.prototype = {
    getName: function() {

Person.extend = AJS.Class.prototype.extend;
Person.implement = AJS.Class.prototype.implement;

Person.count = 0;

Therefore, in this case, this in AJS.Class.prototype.extend refers to Person, because:

// is the same as, ...);
// is the same as, ...);

* There are a lot of cases I don’t go over; this rewrite is for simplicity in understanding the problem.

Answer by Starx

see this link It will tell you about the this keyword, but I am not sure what this() is, may be its some kind of user defined function…… that you are not aware of…

Author: Nabin Nepal (Starx)

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