March 29, 2012

How can I set the title of a cluetop tooltip from ajax callback when sticky: true?

Question by leora

I am using cluetip plugin which is great. I am populating the plugin using Ajax but I can’t anywhere (in the documentation or examples) on how to set the title from an ajax callback.

Is updating the title from ajax supported in cluetip?


So the suggestions given below work in the sense that they can create a title but the close button doesn’t show up in the title in this case. See image below.

enter image description here

Answer by Starx

Actually, It is pretty easy if you see from a simple angle.

First thing to note, would be that all the cluetips in the document, use only one mark-up layout to show all the tips. Every time a new cluetip is triggered, it only updates its mark-up layout and shows it.

Lets see an example of how to work around with what you are trying

I used the demo for this. So the mark-up is:

Note:I am using two cluetips to simulate a case having multiple cluetips

<a class="title" title="hello" href="" rel="">This example</a>

<a class="basic" href="" rel="">Basic</a>

Lets make a small change in the styles, so that it aligns correctly

.cluetip-close { float: right; margin-top: -40px; }

Now, our Script, for both the clue tips.

  var title;
      closePosition: 'top',
      sticky: true,
      closeText: '<img src="" alt="close" width="16" height="16" />Close',            
      ajaxCache: false,
      ajaxSettings:  {
        success: function(data) {
            title = "Your new Title";            
            $(this).attr("title", title); //just set the title for consistency
      onShow : function(ct,c) {
          $(".cluetip-title").text(title); //update the title class with the title

  $('a.basic').cluetip(); //While definning another tip, it is NOT affected by previous one


Although the fiddle might not show it. I have tested it and it works.

November 29, 2010

How to move blog title in the middle of the screen?

Question by Startup Crazy

I am very new to blogging.My blog has its title description at the top left but I want it to be in the middle of the screen and the description of the blog beneath the image.Thanks in advance.


I did:

   <title style="text-align:center"><data:blog.pageTitle/></title >

But the title is still at the topleft corner.

Answer by Stephan Muller

The <title> element isn’t used for the title displayed on your website, only for the title in the browser’s top bar.

You’ll have to edit the CSS file and set #titlewrapper { text-align: center }

Alternatively you can add style="text-align: center" in the <div id='titlewrapper'> in your HTML.

Answer by Starx

Well, I got it. The title is wrapped with a <h1> which is by default aligned at the left. so change it’s CSS to text-align:center;

Use this

#titlewrapper h1 { text-align:center; }

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